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Notice of Jan. 27 GM meeting and officer elections

  • 01/27/2025
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Napier Center, 660 Avery Rd, Claremont, CA


Registration is closed

Former state assembly member Chris Holden is our featured presenter at our January 27 general membership meeting, following which we will elect our club officers for the 2025-7 term.

Voting takes place at our General Membership meeting, which begins with Holden's presentation at 7p at the Napier Center, 660 Avery Rd, Claremont.  Join us for our potluck at 6:30 pm.  City Council member Jed Leano will also offer some brief remarks after the election.

The candidates are:

President, Anne Turner 

VP Programs & Issues, Phalana Tiller

VP Membership, Barbara Barton

Treasurer, Eric Latham 

Corresponding Secretary, Tony Ferguson 

Recording Secretary, Lee Kane

All are running unopposed.  (Initial message sent Dec. 26, 2024.  The bylaws require us to give 30 days notice of those officer elections.  Also, to be eligible to vote, you must have been a member 30 days in advance -- in this case, by December 28, 2024.  You can join DCC here. )

Executive Board agenda

General meeting agenda

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