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The name of this Club shall be: 


(The Jerry Voorhis Club) 

ARTICLE II – Object  

The Object of the Club is to promote the principles and activities of theDemocratic Party. 

ARTICLE III – Membership 

Membership shall be available to any person regardless of race, color, creed, gender, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, economicstatus or any other reason not limited to discrimination practices. 

Section 1

Types of Memberships. There are five types of membership tothe Democratic Club of Claremont: Member in Good Standing, Associate,Honorary, Friendly Allies, and Inactive. 

a. A Member in Good Standing is: 

1. has affirmatively applied for membership, providing at aminimum name and address 

2. is a registered Democrat 

3. has paid their annual dues or had dues waived for economic hardship, and 

4. has met any other requirements to be eligible as a voting member.

b. An Associate Member is: 

1. an individual who fulfills the requirements of a Member in GoodStanding with the exception of Democratic Party registration.

2. has a right of voice but not the right to vote. 

3. Indicates the intent to register as a Democrat when eligible to doso. 

c. Honorary Membership shall be conferred upon any individual asdetermined by the Executive Committee and approved by theGeneral Membership. 

d. Friendly Allies are those non-voting members that are registeredvoters but declare no party preference. 

e. An Inactive Member is one who has not paid the required dues byMarch 15th of each year and has been duly notified by email,phone, and/or mail. 

1. Any member may be dropped from the club membership list fornon-payment of dues if not paid for 12 months. 

Section 2. Dues 

a. Each member shall pay dues on an annual basis as follows:Individual: $30 

Family: $40 

Contributing: $50-$99 

Patron: $100-$250 

Lifetime memberships discontinued as of 6/19/2021. Members already paid at the Lifetime level are grandfathered in. 

Hardship Waiver upon request.

b. Recurring monthly payments through the Democratic Club of Claremont’s Act Blue online payment provider are encouraged and available. 

c. Annual dues shall be paid by January 15 of each year. 

d. Members joining after October 15 shall pay dues at the annual rate which will continue through the following calendar year. 

ARTICLE IV – officers 

Section 1.

Officers and Duties. Elected Officers shall consist of thePresident, First Vice President/Program and Issues, Second VicePresident/Membership, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary andTreasurer. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed in these By Laws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Club. 

a. The President shall: 

1. implement the policies of the Club, the Executive Board and theGeneral Membership; 

2. be the liaison to the community; 

3. preside at the Executive Board and General Membership meetings; 

4. be responsible for the overall direction and day-to-day operation of the Club; 

5. appoint Club members to the Executive Board, standing committee chairs and members; and 

6. appoint Club members temporarily to fill unexpired terms of office within 15 days of the vacancy, subject to approval at the next General Membership meeting. 

b. The First Vice President/Program and Issues shall: 

1. serve in the absence of the President and serve as President when the office is vacated until a replacement is elected;

2. chair the Program and Issues Committee; and

3. select, publicize and introduce speakers at the GeneralMembership and Luncheon meetings. 

c. The Second Vice President/Membership shall: 

1. serve as President in the absence of the President or the FirstVice President; 

2. chair the Membership Committee; 

3. report on membership and introduce new members at Club meetings 

d. The Recording Secretary shall: 

1. take the Minutes of the Executive Board and the GeneralMembership meetings; 

2. provide copies (emailed or printed) of Minutes prior to the nextExecutive Board and General Membership meetings; 

3. provide copies of all approved Minutes to the web master to poston the Club's website; 

4. provide copies of the Agenda for upcoming Executive Board andGeneral Membership meetings; and 

5. maintain and archive all official, non-financial records of theClub. 

e. The Corresponding Secretary shall: 

1. chair the Communications Committee; 

2. read, respond and make available upon request all general correspondence including, but not limited to, written, email, telephone messages, and any other communications unless otherwise directed by the President; 

3. assist the Second Vice President during the MembershipCampaign; and 

4. fulfill the Treasurer's duties in his/her absence. 

f. The Treasurer shall: 

1. serve as the Chair of the Finance Committee; 

2. collect dues, make payments and issue receipts; 

3. maintain and archive all financial records; 

4. have custody of all funds and disburse funds as authorized;

5. prepare and present monthly Treasurer's Reports at theExecutive Board and General Membership meetings (attach a copy to the Minutes); and 

6. prepare and submit the Club's Federal and State financial reports as required by law. 

Section 2. Nomination of Officers 

a. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three to five active members for approval at the October ExecutiveBoard meeting in even numbered years; 

b. The Nominating Committee shall develop a slate of candidates foreach office, all of whom must be active members; 

c. Nominations from the floor shall be permitted only at the NovemberGeneral Membership meeting; 

d. The General Membership shall be notified of elections by email, and/or by other means available a minimum of 30 days prior to theJanuary General Membership meeting; and 

e. Each candidate shall be allowed a one-page statement in the notification of the Election. 

Section 3

Election of Officers, Eligible Voters, Term of Office and Removal from Office 

a. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall conduct the election of Club officers. 

b. Elections shall: 

1. be conducted at the January General Membership meeting in odd numbered years; and 

2. be conducted by either secret ballot, a voice vote, or by the raising of hands as determined by the General Membership. c. Winning candidates will be determined by a plurality of the votes cast by eligible members present at the meeting; 

d. Newly elected officers will begin their terms immediately

e. Eligible voters must be present and have paid their dues 30 days prior to the vote; 

f. Term of office shall be two consecutive years; and 

g. Removal of an officer requires a majority vote by secret ballot of either the General Membership or the Executive Board. 

Section 4. Limitations on Holding Office 

a. No member shall hold more than one office at a time; and 

b. Club officers elected to two-year terms shall be eligible to continue serving in those positions as long as elected with the exception ofthe elected president who shall serve no more than two consecutive terms unless extended for one more term by a vote of the membership. 

ARTICLE V – The Executive Board 

Section 1. The Executive Board shall be comprised of the elected officers, the immediate past-President and the chairpersons of standing committees. 

Section 2. Board's Duties and Powers. The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Club between its general meetings, fix the hour and place of the meetings, make recommendations to the Club, and perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws. 

Section 3. Board Meetings. Unless otherwise ordered by the President orBoard, regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held each month, with no meetings to be required in July, August and December. Special meetings of the Board may be called either by the President or by a written request of three members of the Board.

ARTICLE VI – Committees 

Section 1. Finance Committee

The Treasurer shall chair the Committee.Other members shall be appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Executive Board. The Committee shall prepare an annual budget each February and submit it for approval to the Executive Board and theGeneral Membership each March. The Committee may submit amendments to the budget subject to the approval of the Executive Board.All approvals shall require a majority vote. 

Section 2. Program and Issues Committee

The First Vice President ofPrograms and Issues shall chair the Committee. Other members shall be appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Executive Board by majority vote. The Committee shall plan Club programs and shall evaluate issues relevant to the Club's Object for further action. 

Section 3. Communications Committee

The Corresponding Secretary shall chair the Committee. Other members shall be appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Executive Board. The Committee shall oversee communication activities of the Club, including but not limited, to a newsletter, social media, email, and web site. 

Section 4. Membership Committee. The Second Vice President shall chair the Committee. Other members shall be appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Executive Board. The Committee shall prepare a plan 

for a membership recruitment campaign and submit it to the ExecutiveBoard and General Membership for approval by majority vote. 

Section 5. Political Strategy Committee. A Political Strategy Committee composed of its Chair and other members shall be appointed by thePresident subject to the approval of the Executive Board by majority vote.The Committee shall prepare a plan that advances the Object of the Club and submit it for approval to the Executive Board and General Membership by majority vote.

ARTICLE VII – Meetings 

Section 1. Regular Meetings

The regular meetings of the Club and of theClub's Executive Board shall be held each month from September throughJune, excluding December. All or part of the Executive Board meeting may 

be conducted in closed (not public) session in order to conduct sensitive and confidential Club business. 

Section 2. Election Meeting

The regular meeting in January of the odd numbered year shall be known as the Election Meeting and shall be for purpose of electing officers and for any other business that may arise. 

Section 3

Special Meetings may be called by the President or by theExecutive Board and shall be called upon written request of ten Members in Good Standing of the Club or a simple majority of the Executive Board.The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the written request, which will be sent to all members at least five days prior to the meeting. 

Section 4

Electronic Means. Club meetings may take the form of the more traditional in-person mode or by electronic means. An electronic meeting may be via email, telephonic means and/or Internet web-conference. Club members not able to participate in-person have the right to participate via electronic means. All electronic meetings shall be conducted in full accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. 

Section 5

The time and place for all public meetings shall be publicized fully and in such manner as to ensure five (5) days written notice to all interested parties. 

ARTICLE VIII – Parliamentary Authority 

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order NewlyRevised shall govern the Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws and any special rules of order the Club may adopt. That is, if there is a conflict between Robert's

Rule of Order and these By-Laws or any special rules of order the Club adopts, then the By-Laws or special rules shall apply. 

ARTICLE IX – Amending of By-Laws 

By-Laws may be amended by this procedure: Upon due notice, a 60% vote of the Executive Board and then, upon due notice, a majority vote at thenext General Membership meeting. 

Due notice shall be defined as submission of the proposed amendment not less than five days prior to a vote. 

The amended By-Laws shall be effective immediately at the completion of the above procedure. 

ARTICLE X – Endorsements 

The Club may choose to endorse a candidate for public office and/or a position on an issue by meeting the following criteria: 

a. The candidate/issue sponsor shall be a registered Democrat.
b. The Democratic candidates for local public offices shall be invited to seek the endorsement of the Club. 

c. The Club will conduct additional special meetings (interviews, recommendations and endorsements) both of the Executive Board and the General Membership no earlier than 90 days prior to, and no later than 30 days following the filing date.

e. If approved by the Board, then the candidate/issue sponsor shall seek the General Membership’s approval. 

f. The Board’s recommendation can be overturned by a sixty percent(60%) vote of the membership. If the Board’s recommendation is overturned, then another candidate may win the Club’s endorsement with a sixty percent (60%) vote of the membership. Otherwise the Club will make no endorsement in that race.

g. A voting member in good standing is one who has joined the Club and paid dues, with dues received or postmarked at least thirty (30) days prior to the endorsement vote. 

h. An endorsement vote shall be by a show of hands if it is uncontested, otherwise by secret ballot. 

i. The vote choices shall be to endorse, no endorsement, or no position.

j. At least two persons shall be appointed to count votes. 

ARTICLE XI – Effective Date 

These By-Laws shall become effective immediately upon their adoption by the General Membership of the Club. 

ARTICLE XII – Conflict of Interest 

Whenever a Club officer or member has a financial interest coming before the Executive Board or General Membership the Board shall ensure that: 

a. The financial interest of such officer or member is fully disclosed to theExecutive Board and General Membership. 

b. Such officer or member with a financial interest shall be allowed to speak to the matter, but shall not be allowed to make or second any motion concerning the matter and shall not be allowed to vote on any motion concerning the matter. 

ARTICLE XIII – Non-Discrimination Policy 

All DCC public activities shall be open to all persons regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, gender, age, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation or economic status. Such activities shall be held in places accessible to the membership, including the disabled, and large enough to accommodate all interested persons. This article is enforceable through the appended club Grievance Procedures and Anti-Harassment Policy.

Certified by Chris Naticchia, Club President as adopted and amended, 03/28/22 

___________________, Club President 04/09/22 

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